my kind of honesty
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
  Blog explorer I realise from a brief survey of my brief blog that rather than creating much original text of my own, I simply quote and comment on other things by other people, which I fear is symptomatic of the internet as a whole. Sometimes it seems like the whole "place" (for want of a better word) is an endless series of links and comments that never lead to any actual content, unless you pay a subscription. It's lovely to come across something that's genuinely written for it's own sake, like Blog From Italy, which isn't strenuously referential or comical, but just decent, interesting observation from someone's life. But there I go again, acting the editor rather than the writer. Writing - any creative act - is very fulfilling, but it is equally frustrating, since there are always rules attached to the medium, without which it would be unintelligible to other people. The sheer effort of working the rules to fit one's expression leads many witty but lazy folk to rely on simply quoting and referencing others. Whilst dazzling and fun at first glance, as one clicks through the links like opening so many concentric boxes, it soon becomes apparent that there's nothing to see but frames and quotation marks. And sadly, I can be one of those lazy do I develop the patience to really create and edit my own work?
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it will probably start out as a diary type blog and then spawn some kind of political tirade that will put off even the most tenacious readers, so lots to look forward to

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