my kind of honesty
Thursday, January 27, 2005
  Quick in and out Bugger it, I'm really neglecting the blog, eh? Well, I had to get a project done and now it's finished so maybe that's why I haven't been here, ok? Geez, the pressure you put me under....
Anyway, now I have a nasty cold-sore which is ugly and painful. But the project is finished and it looks quite good, though not quite right...I can't pinpoint what it is....Maybe I'll put up a picture of it sometime so you'll know what it is I'm actually talking about, but it might come back to haunt me in a couple of years when I'm better at design and shame me.

John is struggling hard with an essay due tomorrow - what misery university brings the young, but then there is the binge drinking by way of compensation. He's probably going to be up all night, but we've all done it as I keep saying to him by way of encouragement (probably not very encouraging, but it's what my heart says). I'm also up a bit later because I had a half day at college, so came home and took a massive nap and am now wide awake. John has just come in to read over my shoulder and breathe - what is it? - Pot Noodle Spicy Curry Flavour all over me. Delicious.

That's about it for now - no political diatribes tonight. But I won't desert you, reader - don't worry. I'm at work tomorrow, so there's bound to be some boss related crap to offload here after that. Bet you can't wait.
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it will probably start out as a diary type blog and then spawn some kind of political tirade that will put off even the most tenacious readers, so lots to look forward to

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