my kind of honesty
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
  Snow and cinema Today it snowed and snowed, but I haven't figured out the infra-red on my phone yet, so I can't show you the picture. I almost didn't go to college, but I was motivated by the idea of my packed-lunch going to waste, so I braved the slush.

After college I went with a friend to see the new Wong Kar Wai film, 2046. I loved In The Mood For Love, to which 2046 is a "sort of" sequel. "Sort of" largely in the sense that neither film has much going on in it for a sequel to add to. I would have loved the film, but the cinema was fucking freezing - it was screen 18, which is on the top floor, and I think they put all the arthouse movies on there and then "forget" to put the heating on, because there's only every 10 people in the theatre. It's a long, slow film and adverse theatre conditions make it harder to appreciate. From what I can remember though, it's really good. The lead actor, Tony Leung, has such a handsome, captivating face, which I love watching no matter the film. Wong Kar Wai, it seems, makes cinema that aims to convey complex, enigmatic emotions almost entirely through the imagery and in this film he's very successful, but there's also quite a lot of dialogue which adds an extra dimension after the rather mute In The Mood For Love. I'm going to have to see it again, but I would definitely recommend it if you like slow-burners that are ravishing on the eye.
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