my kind of honesty
Thursday, January 06, 2005
  Still ruminating about the nature of my blog
I'm still a little unsure about the people I'm writing for, the response I want to get, how I get that response...Do I get "discovered"? Is this actually just for my friends to read? Who actually enjoys reading these things anyway? I seem to spend most of my time on the internet reading the first sentence and then bookmarking the site if I find it interesting, only to find I never return. This means I have an ever-expanding list of favourites that I manically organise and re-categorise but rarely use. Except porn and downloading music. So why would anyone bother to read past the first sentence of this blog, one of millions?
But I really like the idea of all this, it makes the internet seem a lot more inspiring. Everyone has a say, it's chaotic, it always evolves. Maybe I'll even find it works wonders for me.
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it will probably start out as a diary type blog and then spawn some kind of political tirade that will put off even the most tenacious readers, so lots to look forward to

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